Sunshine Week: A look back at Report for America’s watchdog journalism

Journalists play a crucial role in holding governments accountable, transparent and uncorrupted. Watchdog reporting exposes conflicts of interest for public officials, ensures fiscal responsibility, creates safer communities to live in and more. Access to public records is a fundamental part of this type of reporting. Since 2005, journalists, publishers, journalism educators and others have used

Reporting on the Mississippi River Basin 

Report for America is partnering with the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Society of Environmental Journalists to offer 10 local newsrooms within the Mississippi River Basin a unique opportunity: the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk. We’ll help you find excellent reporters to cover water, agriculture and other environmental issues of

Report for America opens newsroom applications, expands opportunity to hire more journalists

APPLY HERE National service program recruits talented, diverse reporters—helps fund salaries Report for America announced today that applications are now open for news organizations interested in partnering to host emerging and experienced journalists in their newsrooms for up to three years, beginning next summer.   Report for America is a national service program that places talented