Hannah Bassett

Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting

Reporter Profile

Hannah Bassett covers health disparities in Arizona for the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting. Prior to her career in journalism, Bassett worked for the federal government and nonprofits writing about public health, immigration and press freedom in the United States and abroad. Bassett holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations from Tufts University and a master’s degree in journalism from Stanford University.

Beat: Health disparities

The systemic inequities in Arizona’s healthcare system that were thrust into the spotlight amid COVID-19 have since begun to fade from public view. Yet in many cases, they persist, including some that have become more dire. From vulnerable populations with inadequate access to medical care to excessive rates of diabetes and asthma affecting specific demographic groups, AZCIR’s coverage seeks to expose and highlight such inequities, which disproportionately affect Arizona’s communities of color.