Arturo Pineda

Arturo Pineda covers labor issues and workplace conditions in Charlotte and the Appalachian region for Carolina Public Press, a nonprofit investigative news outlet based out of Asheville, North Carolina. Pineda has worked for the Arts Paper, which explores the arts in and around New Haven, Connecticut, as a reporter covering primarily communities of color. Previously, Pineda interned at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reporting on low-income communities and racial inequality. Pineda earned a B.A. from Yale University, where they served as editor-in-chief of DOWN Magazine, a magazine by students of color. Pineda is originally from Johnston, South Carolina.

Carolina Public Press

Carolina Public Press is a 501(c)(3) independent nonprofit news organization dedicated to nonpartisan, in-depth and investigative news. Founded in 2011, it was primarily focused on the state’s Appalachian Mountains until February 2018, when it expanded to cover the entire state. The organization operates with a leadership team of six, including two full-time editors, a news and community partnership manager, two full-time reporters and 10 freelancers, located across the state. Its content is widely distributed to media outlets across North Carolina.