Longview News-Journal

The Longview News-Journal is part of third-generation, family-owned community newspaper and multimedia news organization. We are committed to digital-first community journalism—not just reporting the news, but also holding officials accountable for their actions. We work to keep the public informed of the news through our print and digital platforms. We strive to be fair, accurate and respectful while reporting the news, from hard-hitting investigations to the daily news and features. Our goal is to use all available journalism tools in the service of reporting on, and bettering, our community.

Jordan Green

Jordan Green covers the rural beat for the Longview News-Journal in Longview, Texas. He interned at The Saturday Evening Post magazine in 2022, writing about Midwest culture. He interned in 2020 and 2021 at The Oklahoman in Oklahoma City, where he covered general news, breaking news and the coronavirus pandemic, among other topics. He began his journalism career as a high school sophomore in 2017 at his hometown weekly newspaper, The Blackwell (Okla.) Journal-Tribune. He graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University in 2023, where he served as editor-in-chief of the campus paper.