The Public’s Radio

The Public's Radio covers Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts, focusing on local enterprise and investigative journalism. Our newsroom seeks to provide reporting that is focused more on depth than breaking news, offering analysis and perspective on stories we report as well as other news in the region.  

Antonia Ayres-Brown

Antonia Ayres-Brown reports on race and poverty in Newport, Rhode Island for The Public’s Radio, which is based in Providence. She most recently covered state politics and government as an intern in the Chicago Tribune’s Springfield bureau. She also interned with the Toledo Blade and reported on manicurist licensing policy for Connecticut Public Radio. She earned her B.A. from Yale University, where she contributed to The New Journal, a long-form magazine about New Haven. In 2019, she was awarded Yale University’s Gordon Summer Journalism Fellowship to research gender-mixed barracks in the Norwegian Armed Forces. She has written about public policy, sexual violence and criminal justice.