Adria Walker

Walker covers education for the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester, N.Y. Born, raised and educated in Mississippi, Walker worked as an editorial assistant at the Jackson Free Press, Mississippi’s alternative weekly. A 2019 cum laude graduate of Milsaps College, Walker was editor-in-chief of the student newspaper, the Purple & White and president of the Black Student Union. As a journalist, she’s covered multiple issues and breaking news stories including a Confederate flag protest at the state capitol and an in-depth look at the racial overtones of a campus robbery. Her honors thesis examined the role of black women in modern American social movements. She also taught yoga at an alternative school in Jackson and participated in an archeological dig in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula.

Democrat & Chronicle

The Democrat and Chronicle is an online and print local news organization primarily serving the Rochester, New York Metro area of nearly 1 million people. We serve as the hub of the USA Today Network's Northeast Crescent Region, which stretches from Vermont to Virginia. We regularly collaborate and share best practices with other local news sites within the Network, as well as with USA Today itself. The Democrat and Chronicle and its predecessor newspapers, first launched in 1833, uphold a proud tradition of community journalism in a city where both the nation's abolitionist and suffragist movements took center stage in the 19th century.