Bobby Brier

Bobby Brier covers mental health issues, especially issues affecting rural New Jerseyans, for NJ Spotlight News, a nonprofit news organization. Previously, Brier reported for New Mexico In Depth, covering the housing crisis across New Mexico and tracking bills in the state Legislature aimed at addressing the problem. His stories on the economic impact of a new professional soccer stadium in Albuquerque, and the financial contributions of land developers to political action committees in the lead- up to the city’s mayoral election earned an award for political news coverage from the Society of Professional Journalists. Hailing from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Brier has reported on arts and culture for The Scranton Times-Tribune. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, and a master’s degree in journalism from New York University.

NJ Spotlight News

NJ Spotlight News is a pioneering partnership between NJ Spotlight’s digital newsroom and NJ PBS, New Jersey's public television network. As the largest nonprofit newsroom dedicated to the state of New Jersey, NJ Spotlight News covers important issues in education, health care, public policy, politics and the environment on multiple platforms: traditional broadcast, digital reporting, social media content and live journalism roundtables.