Jasper Sundeen

Jasper Kenzo Sundeen covers education and economics in the Latino community for the Yakima Herald-Republic in Yakima, Washington. Before moving to central Washington, Sundeen was an editor, writer and eventually, editor-in-chief of The Daily Californian, the student-run paper at the University of California, Berkeley and the paper of record for the Berkeley community. He has also worked as a student journalist at Dash Sports TV. Sundeen holds a bachelor’s degree in political economy and geography, and hails from Los Angeles, where he grew up playing soccer.

Yakima Herald-Republic

The Yakima Herald-Republic, a daily paper and news site, is the largest media outlet in the Yakima Valley, and dedicated to serving central Washington with breaking news and in-depth coverage. El Sol de Yakima, a Spanish-language website and weekly paper, is part of the Herald-Republic newsroom, and the two publications cross-publish stories. Yakima Magazine, a monthly, is also part of this news organization.